Hello world!

Our company site is what you’d expect — it describes our services and asks customers to get in touch. In other words, it’s a bit boring.
This blog is an attempt to remedy that. We would like to tell you more about what work we do, how we work and what works for us. Rather than corporate spiel that has been reviewed and edited a bunch of times, I expect the posts to be genuine, each with the voice of the individual writer.
The topics will be at the intersection of business and technology, i.e. the things that we find interesting and hope you will as well. We don’t want this to be a one sided conversation and hope to include guest posts from our friends and colleagues, such as the awesome speakers at the Toughbyte Talk events we’ve been running in Helsinki for a while.
So, please do take part in the dialogue, disagree with or add to what we have to say & suggest topics via the link below or on LinkedIn.